New Treatment for Macular holes

Recent approval of Jetrea (Ocriplasmin) to treat symptomatic VMA (Vitreo Macular Adhesion) has opened up a new era in non surgical management of macular holes. Previously only a hospital based surgery was able to reverse the process of macular hole development but now a new drug can be injected into the eye painlessly in the office and within a few weeks the process reverses back to more normal vision levels....  more

FDA Approves ASRS Leader's ArgusŪ II Artificial Retina

On February 14, the FDA approved the Argus II artificial retina developed by ASRS Executive Committee and Board Member Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD.

This breakthrough technology is the first ever to offer limited vision to patients with late-stage retinitis pigmentosa (RP).

 Second Sight Medical Products (Sylmar, CA) manufactures the Argus II implant, which has 60 electrodes and a tiny camera mounted on eyeglasses to capture images.

 The FDA approved Argus II for adults age 25 years or older with severe to profound RP. About 10,000 to 15,000 of the 100,000 Americans with RP will qualify for Argus II. Up to 4,000 patients a year can be treated with the device.

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Macular degeneration and Aspirin?

Aspirin and Macular degeneration... is there an increase in the wet form of macular degeneration in those patients taking aspirin? The wet form develops quicker than the dry form. It may only be related to the fact that you are more likely to take aspirin if you have medical problems like stroke or heart attacks in the past and these conditions are more commonly associated with wet age related macular degeneration. ...  more

Eye Trauma


Blunt or penetrating force directed at the eye area can cause trauma that requires immediate medical attention.  Depending on the severity of the trauma, surgery may be needed to repair parts of the eye, reattach the retina, restore the anatomy or keep an infection from causing permanent blindness.


Symptoms & Types:

There are two types of trauma that are associated with the eye area.

Blunt Trauma:

Blunt Trauma involves receiving a direct blow to the eye from an object or apparatus that does not penetrate into the eye.  Blunt trauma is most common in sports, where protective gear is not always worn on the eyes. This type of trauma can cause immediate decrease in vision if the retina is affected, and could even cause the retina to detach. It may also cause blood to accumulate in the front part of the eye causing high eye pressure (Hyphema).


Penetrating Trauma:

Penetrating Trauma occurs when an object either flies into the eye or penetrates the eye directly.  Penetrating trauma can occur when exposed to small debris and particles while hammering, sawing, gardening or mowing the lawn, without wearing proper eye protection. This needs immediate attention in the emergency room as most likely xrays will be needed to locate the foreign penetrating object. Emergency surgery to close the cut of the eye and to remove the foreign object may be needed. 



Treatment for eye trauma depends on the type and severity.  If blunt trauma has caused a retinal tear or a complete detachment, surgery will most likely be required to prevent vision loss.

If penetrating trauma has caused bleeding in other areas of the eye, infection could occur if not treated promptly.  Intraocular foreign body may need surgery to be found and removed.  Intraocular antibiotics may be administered. Above all get to the emergency room where proper exam, X rays and treatment can be started. There is an on-call ophthalmologist available at the Vidant Health Systems Hospital (in Greenville) Emergency Room 24/7/365 days a year. 


While some eye trauma seems unavoidable, it is possible to reduce the effects of this trauma by always wearing suitable eye protection for the activity you are performing.

Long Term Prognosis:

 This depends on the severity of the trauma however the trauma patient will need routine eye exams to look for delayed eye problems that may develop months to years later. These problems may include glaucoma, delayed retinal detachment, epiretinal membrane, sympathetic ophthalmia, uveitis, cataract and other problems. Once the acute eye problems are over, the 6 to 12 month exam schedule starts looking for these problems. Typically these exams are done by your regular eye doctor.